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by Sathyaprakash Bangalore last modified 2010-02-22 15:34

WG4 Amsterdam F2F meeting, February 23-24, 2010

In attendance: Pau Amaro-Seoane (remote) Sofiane Aoudia, Mark Bennett (remote), Leone Bosi (remote), Walter Del Pozzo, Thomas Dent, Alex Dietz, Valeria Ferrari (remote), Leonardo Gualtieri (remote) Eliu Huerta, Ian Jones, Tjonnie Li, Benoit Mours, Maxim Priymak, Michele Punturo (remote), Tania Regimau (remote), Craig Robinson, Lucia Santamaria, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Chris Van Den Broeck, Alberto Vecchio

    Tuesday, 23 Feb 2010, 9 am - 12.30 pm: Progress on ET Science

  • 0930-0935: Announcements, future f2f meetings, etc.
  • 0935-1005: Gravitational radiation from the pulsar glitch recovery period, Mark Bennett (Melbourne)
  • 1005-1035: Neutron stars as sources for third generation detectors, Ian Jones (Southampton)
  • 1035-1100: ---------- Coffee break -------
  • 1100-1130: Testing Einstein with Einstein Telescope, B Sathyaprakash (Cardiff)
  • 1130-1200: IMBH sources in ET Lucia Santamaria (Golm)
  • 1200-1230: Spinning black hole binaries for ET: SNR estimates and parameter estimation calculations Eliu Huerta (Cambridge)
  • 1230-1400: ------------ Lunch break -------
  • Tuesday, 23 Feb 2010, 2 pm - 5.30 pm: ET Mock Data Challenge

  • 1400-1430: What do we want from the ET Mock Data Challenge? B.S. Sathyaprakash (Cardiff)
  • 1430-1500: Production and early analysis of ET Mock Data Craig Robinson (Cardiff)
  • 1500-1530: New computing solutions and their impact on scientific algorithms, L. Bosi (Perugia)
  • 1530-1600: ------------ Coffee Break ------
  • Tuesday, 23 Feb 2010, 4.00 am - 5.15 pm: Trade Studies, etc.

  • 1600-1630: Progress on trade studies Mours/Dietz
  • 1630-1700: Discussion: What trade studies could we undertake?
  • 1700-1715: Discussion: Vision Document - shorter, glossy version
  • 1900: Meeting Dinner