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WG3 Topology Identification

by Andreas Freise last modified 2011-03-07 17:32

This part of the ET work area is dedicated to the
Working Group WG3 'Topology Identification'

If you would like to join us or have a question,
please contact the WG3 coordinator Andreas Freise.



You can upload (or download) presentations for WG3 meetings to the Presentations folder.

For information on past and future meetings please go to the main ET webpage.

Science Documents

Design study writing stuff

  • Any feedback we got from people and proof-readers on the optics section can be found in this folder. Please add any comments or notes on changes that you can get hold off. Please also scan any handwritten notes. For the moment everybody can choose whether he/she wants to implement the corrections right now or only after the re-organisation or rewriting of the sections.
  • A TO-DO list for things that we still need to do can be found on this page.
  • A list of concrete proposals of things that people want to have changed can be found here. We will discuss and decide on these points in a telecon. Only after a decision they will go over into the TO-Do List.