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by Sathyaprakash Bangalore last modified 2009-09-30 09:49

Agenda for the Virtual F2F meeting on October 2, 2009 9 am - noon BST (10 am - 1 pm ECT). Coffee 10.40-11.00 am

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  • 9.00-9.15: Announcements
    1. 5 min: The next WG4 F2F, Cambridge
    2. 5 min: Future funding opportunities and participation of non-European countries in the design study
    3. 3 min: First ET report to the commission
    4. 2 min: Planning for the ET meeting in Eirce, 14-16 October 2009
      1. WG4 is on 14 October from 3pm to 6.30 pm with 30 min coffee break. We have 180 min for the session.
      2. Structure of WG4 at Erice: 20 min for each talk including discussion time.
      3. Talks requested so far: Pau Amaro-Seoane, Leone Bosi, Thomas Dent, Jon Gair, Gergely Debreczeni, Eliu Huerta, Christian Ott, Tania Regimbau, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Chris Van Den Broeck, Alberto Vecchio/John Veitch/Walter Del Pozzo. Please provide a title for your talk.
  • 9.15-9.30: ET Sensitivity (Michele/Harald)
    1. ET sensitivity for developing the science case, which curve to use, its credibility.
    2. Trade off studies.
  • 9.30-10.30: Report/news on recent developments on ET science
    1. 09.30: Summary of ET science so far and new problems, Sathyaprakash
    2. 09.45: Neutron star signals, Andrew Melatos
    3. 10.00: Testing star formation models with ET, Chris Van Den Broeck
    4. 10.15: IMBH binaries and ET, Lucia Santamaria/Pau Amaro-Seoane
  • 10.30-10.45: Convenience break
  • 10.45-11.45: Report/news on recent developments on ET science (cont.)
    1. 10.45: Testing post-Newtonian theory with ET, Chandrakant Misra
    2. 11.00: ET Mock Data: Regimbau
    3. 11.15: Computing infrastructure, Leone Bosi
    4. 11.30: Grid Computing for ET, Gergely Debreczeni
  • 11.45: AOB