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WP2 meeting - Glasgow - 22nd July 2010

by Jamie Scott last modified 2010-07-22 18:22

Details of the WP2 meeting held in Glasgow on the 22nd July 2010

This was a full day meeting of Working Group 2, held at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow.

The main item for discussion was the content of the final report for ET.


See this page for directions to the department. Directions to the University can be found here (the department is located on the main Gilmorehill campus).

The meeting took place in room 323 of the Kelvin building.

For most people coming from overseas the easiest way to Glasgow will be to fly to Glasgow Airport or Prestwick Airport, which are served by the usual airlines. A taxi from Glasgow Airport to Glasgow University takes about 15 minutes and costs about 20 Pounds. Prestwick Airport has a rail link to Glasgow Central, with half price travel for airline passengers.

Edinburgh Airport is also around 65 km (40 miles) from Glasgow. The best way to get to Glasgow is probably to take the connecting bus from the airport to Edinburgh Waverley Station, and then a train from there to Glasgow.


There are many nice hotels in walking distance of the University in the West End area. The following two hotels are often used by University visitors:

More Hotels can be found on this map.


09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch (next door in room 324)
13:30 - 16:15
Discussion on the ET final document. Including contributions by:
16:15 - 17:00
Lab tour


For further information please contact Jean Greig, Shiela Rowan or Stuart Reid.


  1. Gianluca Gemme (INFN Genova)
  2. Mirko Prato (INFN Genova)
  3. Christian Schwarz (Jena)
  4. Ronny Nawrodt (Jena)
  5. Daniel Heinert (Jena)
  6. Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Hannover)
  7. Fulvio Ricci (INFN Rome)
  8. Sheila Rowan (Glasgow)
  9. Jim Hough (Glasgow)
  10. Stuart Reid (Glasgow)
  11. Marielle van Veggel (Glasgow)
  12. Kirill Tokmakov (Strathclyde)
  13. Peter Murray (Glasgow)
  14. Riccardo Bassiri (Glasgow)
  15. Paul Campsie (Glasgow)
  16. Karen Haughian (Glasgow)
  17. Matt Abernathy (Glasgow)
  18. Keith Evans (Glasgow)
  19. Stefan Hild (Glasgow)
  20. Siong Heng (Glasgow)
  21. John Nelson (Glasgow)
  22. Emma Wisniewski-Barker (Bryn Mawr College)
  23. Giles Hammond (Glasgow)
  24. Rahul Kumar (Glasgow)
  25. Alan Cumming (Glasgow)
  26. Norna Robertson (Caltech/Glasgow)
  27. Alastair Grant (Glasgow)
  28. Nick Lockerbie (Strathclyde)
  29. Jamie Scott (Glasgow)
  30. Keiko Kokeyama (Birmingham)
  31. Rebecca Douglas (Glasgow)
  32. Gianluca Gemme
  33. Liam Moore (Glasgow)

Remote Participants

  1. Ettore Majorana
  2. Paolo Falferi
  3. Janice Franc
  4. Paola Puppo