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by Virginie Bornes last modified 2009-03-10 12:13

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The Virgo Collaboration and the CNRS/INFN EGO Consortium have set-up a Forum where participating astrophysicists and theorists would contribute to the further development of scientific knowledge around Virgo.

It is the purpose of the Virgo–EGO Scientific Forum (VESF) to enlarge the research community around the present Virgo collaboration by providing individual participants and institutions interested with scientific opportunities of stimulating research, publications, and all other scientific activities.

The VESF includes the members of the Virgo Collaboration and all the scientists interested in gravitational wave research from other laboratories and institutions.
Click here to see all the groups that so far are VESF Council members.

The VESF scope, functions and organization are detailed in its Charter.
As foreseen in the Charter, the VESF governing body is its Council.
The Council nominates the VESF Coordinator and the members of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board (EB) is currently formed by:
  • Valeria Ferrari, VESF Coordinator, chairs the EB
  • Massimo Bassan, Member
  • Kostas Kokkotas, Member
  • Luciano Rezzolla, Member
  • Luigi Stella, Member
  • Virgo spokesperson (Francesco Fidecaro), Member
  • EGO Director (Jacques Colas), Member
One of the VESF core activities is the funding of fellowships. Following the decision made by the EGO Council during its last meeting, a call for proposals for one VESF Theoretical Fellowship for Gravitational Wave Detection is now open.

Call for VESF Fellowship Applications

Application form for Groups     Application form for Individuals

For any information on VESF, please contact the EGO Scientific Secretariat:

Tel: +39 050 752325
Postal address: via E. Amaldi
56021 S. Stefano a Macerata - Cascina (PI)