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by Sathyaprakash Bangalore last modified 2010-08-20 11:31

Programme for the WG4 meeting at Nice

The meeting will be available on EVO with the following coordinates:

Title: Einstein Telescope WG4 F2F
Password: wg4-et

  • 9.30-10.30 - Small group discussions
  • 10.30-11.00 - Coffee
  • ET Science(11-12.30, 2.00-4.10)
  • Chris Van Den Broeck: Multimessenger cosmology in the ET era
  • Tomasz Bulik: Binary black hole coalescence rates for ET
  • Jocelyn Read: What can we learn about neutron stars from binary neutron star coalescences?
  • 12.30-2.00 pm Lunch/Coffee
  • Luciano Rezzolla: Synergy between observations and Numerical Relativity in the ET era
  • Erich Gaertig: Asteroseismology with ET
  • Mark Bennett: Continuous-wave gravitational radiation from pulsar glitch recovery
  • James Clark: Catching Vela in her act
  • Carlo Nicola Colacino: BNS mergers (10 minutes)
  • 4.10-4.40 - Coffee
  • ET Mock Data (4.40-6.10)
  • Tania Regimbau: Mock Data Production, Chracteristics, and Confusion Background
  • Craig Robinson: Mock Data Anlysis and Results
  • Leone Bosi: ET Data Analysis Challenges
  • 7.00 pm - ET Dinner
  • ET Trade Studies (9.00-12.30)
  • Tjonnie Li: Comparison of parameter estimation between ET-B and ET-C sensitivities
  • John Veitch: The impact of different topologies on parameter estimation
  • B.S. Sathyaprakash: Testing GR - The advantage of 1 Hz vs 10 Hz cutoff
  • 10.30-11.00 - Coffee
  • Alex Dietz: Sky localization with different ET configurations
  • B.S. Sathyaprakash: The impact of different topologies on angular resolution
  • Thomas Dent: Writing the Design Study document - plan, scope and tasks
  • 12.30 - 2.00 Lunch
  • 2.00 - 5.30: Smaller group discussions
  • 5.30 - End