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TO-DO list for ET-DS optics Section

by Stefan Hild last modified 2011-04-23 22:29

Please use this page to organise what we still have to do for the completion of the Optics section of the ET-DS document. Feel free to add any items to the TO-DO list, as long as you are convinced that these are things that are agreed at any of the previous meetings or telecons.

If you have any doubts whether any new To-Do item was agreed on, please put it onto the proposed changes page, thus it can be discussed on the next meeting.

If you have finished any item from the To-Do list please move it to the Done section.

TO-DO list (things that still need to be done):

  • 5.1-5.3: Review and extend if necessary. (Andreas 4/4/2011)
  • 5.4-5.8: Will be merged into a single section Quantum noise reduction (Sergey/Andreas 4/4/11).
  • Including all corrections for TN section (Ronny, Janyce 6/4/11). Include table at beginning of section on TN.
  • Cost evaluation: Andreas/Harald 4/4/11
  • Technologies to be developed: Andreas rewrite LG mode part 4/4/11.


DONE items:

  •  5.10-5.13 Stefan will bundle these sections into a single 2G-Technology section.
  • Harald will introduce an appendix structure to the main document.
  • Stefan writes email to flag up tunnel length conflict. (28/3/11).
  • Massimo will go through the optical Layout section and come up with a list of conflicting numbers (4/4/11).
  • Fill Appendix 6.5 (Ronny 4/4/11).
  • Standard Optical Technologies: Smoothening and insert boxes (Stefan 6/4/11)
  • OMC section (Andreas Email to Romain, Stefan writes a general brief back-up section 6/4/11).
  • Requirements on the topology due to technical noise sources (5.4.2).: take this section into optical layout section (Stefan 6/4/11).
  • Keiko will contact Kazuhiro for incorporation of parametric instability section. (4/4/11).