Attendance: Alex Dietz, Cristiano Palomba, Nicola Colacino, Walter Del Pozzo, Alicia Sintes, Sascha Husa, Tomasz Bulik, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Chris Van Den Broeck, Mark Hannam, James Clark, Tjonnie Li, Patrick Sutton, Jonathan Gair, Thomas Dent, Virginia Re Going through the document: p. 32: Figure to show effect of GW on test particles. Ideas for something other than the standard ring of particles? Stretching of a photograph (Andreas Freise)? p. 33: Feynman diagrams to illustrate PN? Thesis by Umberto Cannella? Paper in PRD. p. 36, Figure 5: Need to remake. p. 37, Figure 6: Remove right panel since it doesn't include IMR whereas the left panel does. p. 38, Figure 7: Needs some tweaking. p. 40, Figure 8: Problems with curves. Pre-design study curve used for ET. Left hand figure: why does ET curve touch the AdvLIGO one at high frequency? Right hand panel: AdvLIGO curve below ET curve. Cristiano will contact Badri to fix this. Should use ET-B or ET-D, which appear on WG4 workarea. p. 39 onwards, CW: Relegate equations to boxes; text should talk about how far one can see etc. p. 41, Figure 9: Need to use ET-B and ET-D, not ET-B2. Same thing with Figure 10. Perhaps open circles for ET-B, diamonds for ET-D, and combine figures? p. 43, Figure 11: Merge the figures? In addition to this plot, figure on limits on ellipticity and moment of inertia? Cristiano. p. 44: Tania? Supernovae: Sathya to contact Christian Ott. Test of GR: Include results from Chris et al. Figure 17: Paper has figure of what you'd see if GR will fail. Sathya will pick one. Testing black hole no-hair theorem: figure needed. Jonathan: no figure for testing with ET, might want to put something generic. Sathya: with student, worked on testing GR with BH ringdown; might be able to include figures. Also shown that mass ratio of binary can be measured from ringdown. Figure 19: Left figure can go away. Right hand figure probably made with pre-design study noise curve. Chris will redo. Mass of neutrinos from supernovae? Should be section on this. Delay could be interpreted as studying neutrino mass, or study of viscosity. Paper by Arnold et al. Later on in supernovae section, lot of discussion about neutrinos, could bring that up a bit. p. 60: Better figures needed. Sathya will contact Jocelyn and/or Luciano. p. 63, Figure 21: Figure is old. Figure 22, figure 25: Can be unified. James: can be unified and remade with ET-B, ET-D. Permission on Figs. 23, 24? Fig. 24 from NASA, not a problem; James will check for Fig. 23. Understanding supernova cores: Need more figures, Sathya will contact Christian Ott. Intermediate mass black holes: Not enough material. Sathya will contact Pau to expand this section. Cosmology and cosmography. Fig. 28 can be removed. Fig. 29: left panel to be removed; right Fig. 30: Maybe don't need figure. Fig. 31 too. Maybe contour plot from paper. Too many equations. Combining with other observations to a box. Fig. 32 needs to be corrected. Chris. Figure 33: Also put ET-D. Tom. Black hole populations somewhat missing. Tomasz will write something, including recent results on metallicity-dependent evolution. Trade studies: Don't have anything. Angular resolution, site location. Alex will check with John.